We can have our say regarding the refreshment of INZ’s NZMSIS and NZRRS strategies…

We can have our say regarding the refreshment of INZ’s NZMSIS and NZRRS strategies…

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) is refreshing the NZ Migrant Settlement Integration Strategy (NZMSIS) and NZ Refugee Resettlement Strategy (NZRRS), and we get to have our say.

We can fill in a questionnaire as individuals or groups, where we can express our thoughts on areas including housing, employment, education, social cohesion, and health and wellness. The questionnaire is currently live in English through the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RefreshQuestionnaire

INZ has stated that Arabic, Farsi, Dari, Spanish, Samoan, Tongan, Burmese. and Chinese versions of the questionnaire will be available from mid-August.

Let’s have our say!

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